Tagged: strategy

The Problem With Outside The Lines

The road in front of our neighborhood has been undergoing a facelift lately. They scraped it, then paved it, then paved it again. Then set up cones. Then more pavement. Then…you get the picture. It’s...

Thursday Three For All

The Moment in Madison Square. (via @slkooiman, HT @drmoore) Good gracious. This is a beautiful story of marital love, from both sides of the wedding altar. I wanted to tell you so many things.  I wanted...

Stories vs. Statistics

Last week was vacation week for the Franks family. And like all good vacations, I had time to catch up on a backlog of reading (I also watched Dawn of the Prequel to the Sequel of...

How to Get People to Move Down Front

I get it: when some of you read that title, you immediately began searching for white-hot needles to stick into your eyeballs, because the thought of nerdy, dry-as-yesterday’s-toast guest services talk makes you want to...

Flashback Friday: Cruise Ship or Battleship?

Heads up to my SummitRDU friends: this weekend we’re making a big push for you to serve. Selflessly. Generously. Recklessly. We’re rolling in to a big fall season and we have multiple opportunities for you...

How To Spot A First Time Guest

A few weeks ago, an alert reader alerted me to the fact that they’d never seen a post of this kind on the blog. Sadly, I was not alert enough to jot down the alert...

Flashback Friday: Along For The Ride

The first time my wife and I went to a Broadway show, we saw the value of a good usher in action. From the moment we entered the theater, we were literally ushered to our...

Wedding Crashers & Weekend Services

Last weekend I attended two weddings in northern Virginia. The first I was invited to: the oldest son of our seminary besties got married, simultaneously taking the best selfie that I’ve ever personally witnessed. The second...

Flashback Friday: Take Another Look

  …when things get familiar, we tend to get sloppy. We turn inward to our own convenience rather than outward for the sake of our guests. We structure systems around our comfort rather than ease...

Thursday Three For All

“Spy” Considerations for Easter Sunday. (via @ThomRainer) Easter’s coming. You ready? As we approach the season of Resurrection Sunday—when guests are more abundant at our churches—perhaps these questions will help you consider what guests experience at...