Author: Danny

Top Ten Quotes: Transformative Friendships

Simply put, my friend and co-worker Brad Hambrick is a gift to the local church. A counselor by trade and training, he believes in the concept of “showing your work,” and has helped untold numbers...

Get on the List for our 2024 Guest Services Weekenders!

Here’s a quick public service announcement from your friendly neighborhood Guest Services Team: The May 30 Guest Services Weekender is a sellout. Not sellout like when Amy Grant started singing on secular radio in the...

How Does a Hospitable Culture Apply to Small Groups? (part two)

We’re in a new series called Hospitable Culture. The big question is this: What if hospitality isn’t something we do, it’s simply who we are? In other words, what if we could bump hospitality beyond...

Caring Yields Caring

In a recent post I asked the question, “If you don’t care, who will?” It was an ode to overflowing gas station trash cans and my own laziness and / or disdain for the environment....

Take the Leap

In life and in ministry, sometimes you just have to take the leap. Editor’s note: Whoa. Stop right there. Is this an idiotically transparent attempt at taking advantage of the fact that this is Leap...

How to Lead a Book Discussion

In a recent post I talked about how to choose a book (or books, because plural books are better) with your volunteers or staff. In this post, I want to talk about how you actually...

If You Don’t Care, Who Will?

I have a confession to make: sometimes I litter. Not big litter, of course. I’m not a neanderthal, hurtling down the interstate and hurling my Chick-fil-A sacks out the window. I don’t sneak across the...

Q&A: How Do I Effectively Run a First Impressions Team in an Older Facility?

Q: Our church building is an older campus with multiple entry points and no central welcome desk. How can I lead our First Impressions team to greater effectiveness? [from the 2024 blog survey] A: Most...

Multi-Site EPODs: Establishing the Essentials

Many moons ago I wrote a post called You Need an EPOD. It was an ode to one of the tried-and-true tools in our multi-site toolbox, a document called – you guessed it – an...

Easter Practice Starts Now

At the time this post goes live, there are only a few “normal” Sundays left between now and Easter. Now, I get it. You get it. There is no such thing as a normal Sunday....