2022 Summer Reading List: Mine
Earlier this week I offered up ten books that I think you should read this summer (Have you ordered ’em yet? You haven’t, have you?). Today, in the interest of full disclosure (and wanting to...
Earlier this week I offered up ten books that I think you should read this summer (Have you ordered ’em yet? You haven’t, have you?). Today, in the interest of full disclosure (and wanting to...
It’s that time again, campers: the late-springtime when nerds get giddy with excitement over everyone’s recommended beach reading lists. I have ten for you, picked out of what I’ve read over the last year. These...
In multi-site church world, it’s scarily easy to expand because of the identity of the mothership, and then lose that identity as more campuses are launched. In other words: the excitement and growth that led...
In the last six years we’ve taken hundreds of people through our One-Day Workshops: a day-long deep dive on on particular topic. They’re coming back this fall, with an added brand-new topic! You’ll get on-the-nose...
Occasionally I’ll skim a book that was recommended to me, only to realize post-skim just how valuable the book was, and the need to go back for a deeper dive. Such was the case with...
All of us in hospitalityland have faced the problem of the stealthy guest: the person who wants to lay low, fly under the radar, and do everything possible to keep from being known. But as...
One week ago today, Merriem and I became grandparents. The call came shortly before midnight on Monday: Alyssa and Austin were heading to the hospital. Lil’ Bean – the nickname given to our yet-to-be-born grandchild...
Explosions are rarely a good thing, but never more so than in leadership. When a leader explodes … out of anger, frustration, unmet expectations, whatever … it’s more a reflection of the leader than whatever...
If you’ve been in ministry for any amount of time, you’ve been there. (And if you haven’t, hang on: your day is coming.) You’re entering into another ministry cycle with the same type of event,...
All of our lives are marked by watershed moments: those days, seasons, or seconds that serve as a crystal-clear marker of God’s faithfulness. Easter at Walnut Creek was one of those moments for me. From...