Are Your Volunteers Too Habitual?
I’m currently reading Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit, an excellent book that combines research and remarkable stories to get to the bottom of why we do what we do. Early in the book Duhigg...
I’m currently reading Charles Duhigg’s The Power of Habit, an excellent book that combines research and remarkable stories to get to the bottom of why we do what we do. Early in the book Duhigg...
We all face the temptation to pit people against productivity. “I could get a lot more work done if I didn’t have to attend all of these meetings.” “I can’t finish this project because people...
Q: When I am serving in the Welcome Center and I’m trying to be super-focused on guests, how do I kindly tell my friends or long term church attenders that we can talk later (and...
Every so often we dip our toes into a series called Danny Recommends:, posts that tip you off to the stuff that I…you know. These might be products for use in your ministry, resources that will help...
There’s now an all-in-one page where you can grab Guest Services tools on the cheap. The new Resources Page (spot it by clicking the link or taking a gander at on the left side of...
Each month, we revisit a series of posts called Guest Services Road Trip. We’ll travel the country from the comforts of our couches, interviewing leaders who are in the trenches of ministry. Do you have an idea for GSRT...
How ironic that a book titled Gentle and Lowly came charging onto the scene like a bull in a china shop. It has captured the attention of hundreds of thousands of believers. Its presence has...
Before you read the following post, take note that the original publication date was April 1. April. First. April Fools Day. Thank you. And carry on. Our long international nightmare is almost over. You may...
People reading this post will fall into one of two camps: Thank you, Captain Obvious. Everyone knows that already. This is life-changing information. How do I go about renaming my firstborn in your honor? For...
It can be hard to climb the corporate ladder in the church world. Some would argue that you shouldn’t. After all, we’ve seen the lure and the defects of celebrity Christian culture. “Climbing a ladder”...