Category: Book Review / Insight

Top Ten Quotes: The Power of Moments

I have one rule when it comes to Chip and Dan Heath books: if they write one, I read it. It’s a simple as that. Made to Stick is a must-read for anyone who teaches, writes, or speaks...

Top Ten Quotes: How To Lead When You’re Not In Charge

I don’t pre-order a lot of books. But when I heard Clay Scroggins’ interview on the Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast, I knew this was a book I needed to read. Clay’s approach trends towards those...

Top Ten Quotes: The Service Culture Handbook

We’re currently in the middle of a reboot of our church staff guest services training. That’s not just training the people who are in charge of first impressions at a campus level…that’s everyone who leads anyone who...

Top Ten Quotes: The Simplest Way to Change the World

I’ve been on a bit of a “neighboring hospitality” kick lately, and Jesus has used several books – including Next Door As It Is In Heaven – to drive a bit o’conviction into my get-inside-and-shut-the-door selfish...

Top Ten Quotes: Prayer

At first glance, you might think you’re reading a blog post about personal quotes from personal prayers. Nah. I’ll save you all of my “bless all the missionaries” and “traveling mercies” and “hedges of protection”...

Top Ten Quotes: Less Chaos. Less Noise.

In 2010 a friend handed me a copy of Kem Meyer’s Less Clutter. Less Noise. What was written as a book on church communications turned into a spiritual gut-check for me. I was reminded that it is...

2017 Summer Reading List: Yours

Summer time is catch-up-on-your-reading time. Here are ten picks I’d like to offer up if you have an Amazon gift card burning a hole in your pocket.   Awe: Why It Matters For Everything We...

Top Ten Quotes: The Curious Christian

I wasn’t curious about Barnabas Piper’s third book. Or I suppose I should say: I wasn’t curious about curiosity. As a guy who is rapidly approaching middle age, I didn’t think I could qualify as...

Top Ten Quotes: Creativity, Inc.

I first read this fantastic book when in came out in 2014. We recently re-read a portion of it for our staff meeting, which has generated new ideas and practices for some of our workflows....

Top Ten Quotes: Next Door As It Is In Heaven

There has been no lack of “love your neighbor” books in recent years. I’ve read a few of them, because – to be transparent – I’m not very good at loving (or in some cases, knowing)...