Category: Guest Services

Make it Memorable.

Many moons ago, when my youngest son Jase turned 11, I witnessed something that I occasionally think about years later. As a part of his birthday celebration, Jase asked me to pick up Taco Bell...

Hospitality is Simply a Catalyst

A lot of our churches put a lot of time into creating welcoming environments for our guests. Putting it simply? Those environments and that attention are a big deal. But they’re not the deal. If our designed...

How Does a Hospitable Culture Apply to Local Outreach?

We’re in an ongoing series called Hospitable Culture. The big question is this: What if hospitality isn’t something we do, it’s simply who we are? In other words, what if we could bump hospitality beyond...

First Impressions While You Wait

Two days. Two healthcare facilities. Two vastly different experiences. On day one, I accompanied my wife to a new(ish) provider in a clinic I’d never been to before. She was undergoing a minor procedure, but...

How Does a Hospitable Culture Apply to Our Facilities?

We’re in an ongoing series called Hospitable Culture. The big question is this: What if hospitality isn’t something we do, it’s simply who we are? In other words, what if we could bump hospitality beyond...

First-Time Guest Bags: a Q&A

The recent posts on our First-Time Guest bags and our redesigned First-Time Guest cups have sparked a few further questions via email, text, and social media. It’s giving me flashbacks of fourth grade Danny, who...

What’s Your $2 Hot Dog?

One of my favorite books is Will Guidara’s Unreasonable Hospitality, and one of my favorite stories from the book is the tale of the $2 hot dog. If you’ve heard a podcast, read an article,...

First-Time Guest Bags: Why They Matter (and What We Use)

This is an updated version of a previous post. For several years now we’ve handed out a small gift bag to all of our first-time guests (FTGs). There are three reasons why we do it,...

How Does a Hospitable Culture Apply to the Front Desk?

We’re in an ongoing series called Hospitable Culture. The big question is this: What if hospitality isn’t something we do, it’s simply who we are? In other words, what if we could bump hospitality beyond...

Why We Changed Our First-Time Guest Gift

I’m a long-time believer in first-time guest gifts. They’re an easy way to say thank you to a guest for trusting you with their time. But a few years back, I became convinced that our...