Category: Guest Services

First-Time Guest Bags: a Q&A

The recent posts on our First-Time Guest bags and our redesigned First-Time Guest cups have sparked a few further questions via email, text, and social media. It’s giving me flashbacks of fourth grade Danny, who...

What’s Your $2 Hot Dog?

One of my favorite books is Will Guidara’s Unreasonable Hospitality, and one of my favorite stories from the book is the tale of the $2 hot dog. If you’ve heard a podcast, read an article,...

Walk Slowly Through the Crowd

I am not known for being a slow walker. I always go at the pace of a man who has either lost sight of the neighborhood ice cream truck or is being chased by a...

Seven Bucks Can Change a Life

I’ve written before about the importance of a rainy day team: that stalwart group of volunteers who will pull on their galoshes (do we still say galoshes? Discuss.), zip up their rain jacket, and grab...