Category: Guest Services

What the Church Can Learn From Disney (part 1)

I just returned from the Happiest Place on Earth. I’m referring, of course, to Walt Disney World, home of Orlando, Florida.  Or something like that. I’ve long said that as the First Impressions Guy at the...

Don’t Point…Take!

It’s not polite to point. That’s what your mama always told you, and she was right. Pointing is for duck-hunting dogs, not for people who are trying to get a guest where they’re going. When...

Be. Aggressive. Be, Be Aggressive

Anybody else have that cheer at your high school?  That might have been my second-to-least favorite cheer that our cheerleading squad had, coming in only after “It’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot in here…there must...

Gospel-Centered Coffee

Gospel-Centered Coffee

[Editor’s note: before you read this post, please take notice of two things: 1. It was originally penned on April 1. (APRIL. FIRST.) 2. And if “April 1” does nothing to jog your brain, you should...


There’s an old joke about a guy who went to prison and ended up in a row of cells with all of the “lifers” … those guys who had been in the place since the...

Service Without Service

Not too long ago I heard an interview with Bill Price, co-author of The Best Service is No Service.  The basic thesis of the book is that as a business / church / whatever-we-are, we should...

1Another :: Be Hospitable

At the Summit, we’re currently going through the book of Acts of Sunday morning.  Our Cannonball series is walking us through the “why” of church life.  Because of that, I’m teaming up with the Small Groups Guy this week...

The Yo Yo Needs the String

On Sunday the Summit hosted Ed Stetzer as guest speaker in our services.  Ed is internationally recognized as the sultan of stats, the guru of growth, the pied piper of planting churches.  Whenever Ed speaks,...

A Safe Place for Non-Huggers

As the resident guest-services guy, one of my built in filters is watching for uncomfortable guest moments.  Every church has them.  Maybe it’s the Stick A Name Tag On The Guest But Nobody Else moment...

Hannibal Would Be Proud

Hannibal Would Be Proud

It’s time to make a pop-culture reference to one of the greatest shows of that decade: The A-Team. At the end of every episode, Hannibal would pull out a cigar, light it up, and say those...

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