Category: Learning Curve

Deconstructing Criticism: Receiving It

(This is the 2nd in a five part series. Catch up on the rest of the posts below.) There was a point in my life where I really enjoyed criticism.  It helped me know where I...

Deconstructing Criticism


When “Yes” Leads To “No”

In a church our size, there are plenty of opportunities to do plenty of things.  Big things.  Small things.  Expensive things.  Free things.  Hard things.  Easy things.  Things, things, and more things… “Would you partner...

Nothing To Say

Although some would argue that even when I say something, I’m not saying anything, this “nothing to say” stems from a great quote I read a couple of weeks ago from Mother Teresa: “People may not...

Wolfpack Gospel

Wolfpack Gospel

I have the sports section on my desk. If you know me, you likely just spewed coffee from the Caps Lock to the Backspace key.  I don’t do sports.  I used to do sports, if...

Leader or Manager?

One of my summer reads was the instant classic Tribes by the always insightful Seth Godin.  I’ve been re-reading it with my team over the last couple of weeks, and it’s been rocking my world....

Be Still And Know…

Alarm clock snooze button I can’t believe it’s time to get up stumble through stubbed toe brew coffee spill coffee curse coffee bless coffee open Bible study Bible pray… Be still and know that I...

Intentional Relationships

Earlier this morning I caught up with one of our church planters who is currently stateside.  I always enjoy getting time with this particular planter, and this morning was especially valuable as we talked through...

Sublime Audacity

A few mornings ago I was struck with the fact that we get to call Daddy.  Think about that: the God who created the universe, the God who holds our eternity, the God who defeated sin...

Little Big Church

Little Big Church

This church is big.  (How big is it?) It’s so big that when we buy coffee at B.J.’s people question whether we have our own coffee company (think about that one for a second…doesn’t make...

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