Category: Learning Curve

Playing the Field

Playing the Field

I had a great conversation with a friend and fellow staff member earlier this week.  She reminded me that part of the job of a pastor is to reject the idea of promoting one ministry...

Roundabout Living

Yesterday on the commute to work, I heard a story on the radio about a German woman who got stuck in a roundabout, which is a transportation term that literally means, “Our city is too...

Where Did THAT Come From?

Where Did THAT Come From?

If you’re not familiar with the Christian term known as apologetics, siddown whilst Uncle Danny schools ya… “Apologetics” is defined as the thoughtful, thorough defense of Christian beliefs and doctrine, often in the face of...

Stop Being a Lousy Parent

Stop Being a Lousy Parent

As was mentioned here last week, on Saturday morning at the Nexus Project I led a breakout session for parents.  We had around 25 parents that showed up on a weekend when (a) they had...

Forced Sabbath

Forced Sabbath

I’m very much a schedule guy.  I like to have my day organized, like to know what’s happening when, and I get very frustrated when things don’t go according to plan. Like a snow day....

Parenting Paradox

The Good: Our last born lost his first tooth yesterday.  He’s been wondering for a while when the big moment was going to happen, and so were we, since there wasn’t a sign of a...

Believe: Finish Line?

Sunday was the culmination of our Believe project.  At all four campuses all day long, we prayed, gave, and worshipped the God who made it all possible. If you’re like me, Sunday was also the...

Book Review: A Comedian’s Guide to Theology

This book review is brought to you by the good people at Family Christian Stores. Well, not really.  But I thought I’d give a shout to my FCS brethren before I tell you why I...

The Passive Pastor

The Passive Pastor

On Sunday Pastor J.D. rock-n-rolled with the Cannonball series.  One of the key points to the message was the truth of Acts 1:8, where Jesus told the disciples that the kingdom of God would not...

Book Review: Lasting Impressions

Not too long ago I posted my list of my top five reads of ’08.  Topping the charts was Lasting Impressions, the much-anticipated release by Mark Waltz (you can read about the giddiness here). I spent...