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Your Face Is On Fire

Years ago, I heard a conference speaker share a story about the power of active listening. When he would check out at a retail store or coffee shop, he had a peculiar – yet fantastic –...

Blessed Are The Hands: My Next Chapter of Ministry

Before you read the following post, take note that the original publication date was April 1. April. First. April Fools Day. Thank you. And carry on. After decades of dreaming and years of planning, I am...

Flashback Friday: Preparing For The Onslaught

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! Today’s post was originally released as a fall read, but with Easter on...

Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the...

Fan Into Flame the Gifts of God

Paul’s letters to Timothy have to rank among my favorite New Testament writing. Penned from a father in the faith to a young man who is still finding his way in ministry, Paul tenderly, carefully laid out...

Danny Recommends: Podcasts (part two)

Every so often we dip our toes into a series called Danny Recommends:, posts that tip you off to the stuff that I…you know. The recommendations might be products for use in your ministry, resources that will...

Developing Muscle Memory in Guest Services

Back in the pre-iPhone era, before our fancy contact whatzits and Siri-call-this-person shenanigans, we had to remember things called phone numbers. And occasionally, we’d find ourselves remembering the numbers more by the way our fingers...

Flashback Friday: Are You Ready When They’re Ready?

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   I’ve stumbled into several conversations over the past few weeks that have...

Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the...

Mapping Your Ideal Week

If you’re anything like me, buckling down and getting things done is a challenge. Even though I like structure, I’m often distracted by things that are bright and shioh look a butterfly! Add to that that very...