Flashback Friday: Pride And Anxiety
Often when I pray, I’ll pray through 1 Peter 5:5-7 as a reminder of how to walk through my day: Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud...
Often when I pray, I’ll pray through 1 Peter 5:5-7 as a reminder of how to walk through my day: Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud...
(Remember kiddies: bold print takes you to the original article!) The Extravagant, Irrational Point. My friend and former Summit coworker Ashley Dickens wrote a phenomenal Fathers Day tribute to her dad. I’ve never met him, but...
Housekeeping note: a newer version of this post is available, with slightly updated language (and a less-blurry header photo!). I’ve chosen to leave this post intact because the attached comments are helpful. Once a month I...
On Friday, we had the brilliant idea that we’d make the short trip down 85 to spend the day at the North Carolina Zoo. We took Haven once last year, but felt like – now...
Are you preparing for growth? (via Steven Kryger) Being a part of a rapidly-growing church for the last decade, I can attest that growth is messy. Sometimes painful. Not always a lot of fun. But part...
(Remember campers, if you’re new to Thursday Three For All, click on the bold print to read the entire / original post. Spell it out. One of my greatest leadership sins is thinking that my team...
This is my new favorite commercial on TV, for obvious reasons. The little girl is cute as a button, and reminds me of…I don’t know…somebody. But if you’ve been following the blogosphere, you know...
Just another Sunday night at the Franks house. Austin put on some Andy Mineo (or at least I think that was Andy Mineo), and the only two people in our house with any rhythm started...
Jumpin’ in the wayback machine in 3…2… My wife loves me. I want to tell you that right up front, because based on what you’re about to read, you’re going to question it. You’ll think...
The Baptist men, they’re going to get it done tomorrow. (via @DennyBurk) The first church I served had a big-time Disaster Relief Ministry. Dick Staggs could cook eggs on a modified hubcap like nobody’s business. 38...