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Pray for Noah

Pray for Noah

By now most of the Summit Church knows about Noah Bacon, one of our 16 year old covenant members who was in a serious accident yesterday. But even if you’re not a part of the...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Practical Tips for How to Make More Time for Reading. I love me some books. But over the last year my intake has tanked. I’m hoping this‘ll get me back on track. If I’m honest, even...

Twenty Years.

Twenty Years.

Those babies up there? That’s us. January 16, 1993 was the day we said “I do.” We were kids. Children. Nineteen years old, crazy in love, and convinced we were ready for the road ahead. We’d...

Cheeseburger in Paradise

Cheeseburger in Paradise

My friend and first impressions guru Mark Waltz has undeniably drilled in my skull the importance of “wow!” moments: small or large gestures designed to communicate to guests, customers, or friends, “You matter.” A few weeks...

When Celebrity Comes to Church

It happened again this weekend. I was going through my normal weekend routine at the Summit when somebody walked up to me and – in a hushed whisper usually reserved for only CIA-level conversations –...

Flashback Friday: Reasons I Love My Church, #216

Flashback Friday: Reasons I Love My Church, #216

In the words of that great theologian Huey Lewis, “Is this the 50’s or 1999? …Gotta get back in time.” At the First Time Guest Tent last Sunday, a guest filled out one of our...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Three links, crankin’ now. (Remember, click on the bold stuff to see more.) Clean Bathrooms. Have I mentioned lately how much I like Seth Godin? It turns out that just about everything we do involves cleaning...

Dancing with the Elephant: Debrief the Event

We’re wrapping up a three-day series called Dancing with the Elephant, where logistical nerds cackle with glee about how to pull off a large scale event in the guest services realm. Never fear, non-logistical nerds:...

Dancing with the Elephant: Develop Your Systems

In yesterday’s post, I talked about the importance of defining the win when it comes to pulling off a large scale event. Knowing the event’s nature, the budget you have to work with, and the...

Dancing with the Elephant: Define Your Win

In my role at the Summit, one of my hats is to help run point for some of our larger-scale events. Things like Church at the Ballpark, The Gospel Summit, and Christmas at DPAC fall...