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North South Carolina

North South Carolina

Howdy Blogosphere. I’m back after a nearly two week hiatus. I… Editor: Hold on. You can’t just show up after two weeks and jump right in to content. Where have you been? You know, places....

Sermon After Party

Sermon After Party

On Sunday I preached to my favorite people in the world – the folks at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus. I displayed my awesome math skills (“$544,000 is dangerously close to well over a half...

Love on Display

Yesterday I experienced what can only be described as a holy moment. I had the opportunity to participate in a dedication service at a local hospital as two families met to complete a long-awaited open...

Long John Silver’s Goes Overboard

There are a few phrases that I never planned to say in my lifetime: “I’m sorry I ran over your kitten.” “How was I supposed to know that you can’t microwave gloves to warm them...


I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. Oh, I used to be. I was going to eat better or exercise more or keep my side of the closet more organized or finally wrestle a...

Year End Review: Posts

Year End Review: Posts

We’re wrapping up a three-day series that’s looking back on 2010: the best search terms, the best books I’ve read, and today…my favorite blog posts. Being a writer is like being a dad. There are...

Year End Review: Search Terms

Year End Review: Search Terms

I heart me some Google search terms. I believe that when Al Gore was inventing the Internet, there’s no way he could have foreseen the fun you could have by typing in random stuff and...

Year End Review: Books

Year End Review: Books

It’s that time again, boys and girls. Time to gather around the warm screen of your laptop and tune in for the turn-of-the-year tradition known as the Connective Tissue Year End Review. What? You didn’t...

Merry Christmas from the Franks Family!

Our year has been a little bit country, a little bit 1960’s Rat Pack. May you and your family have a blessed day focused on the baby who gave us life!   Thanks to A...

Sad Christmas Carols

Over on my alternate world known as The Twitter, it’s been a fun few weeks as we’ve been taking a look at Sad Christmas Carols. You know…not the CheeryHappyJollyMerry songs that greet you in every...