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Coming Friday…

Coming Friday…

It’s been a quiet day on the blog, because I have a head cold. Not that you care, but seriously, I got stuff packed in there like six gallons of spaghetti in a four gallon...

Rock Star Parking

Rock Star Parking

One of the best parts of my job is reading the feedback that we get from First Time Guests.  Our First Impressions Team is chock full of awesome volunteers who consistently deliver incredible service, and...

Take a Breath

Take a Breath

It was a huge day at Brier Creek AM on Sunday.  103 first time guests (and their families) showed up.  (If you follow the tweets, I know I said it was 99…4 more surfaced this...

My First Ever Top Ten List

My First Ever Top Ten List

(at least on this blog) Top Ten Reasons You Should Join The First Impressions Team From the home office in Rougemont, NC   10. There’s nothing like the smell of freshly-printed worship guides, and you’ll...

I’m Not The Best Parent, But…

I’m Not The Best Parent, But…

…at least I’ve never sat by while one of my children sang a song that included the words, “I shot a man just to watch him die.” Still, she’s so cute when she says it....

In Case Of Rapture, This Doghouse Will Be Unmanned

In Case Of Rapture, This Doghouse Will Be Unmanned

Tim Stevens linked to a great website over on his blog today, promoting a company run by atheists who promise to take care of your pet once Jesus comes back. No kidding. Go read Tim’s...

A Time To Retreat

A Time To Retreat

We’re smack in the middle of Staff Retreat ’09, and unlike some of my pastor friends at other churches, we do call it “Staff Retreat” and not “Staff Advance.”  We’re getting the heck away from...

Love God, Love People

Love God, Love People

Last Thursday my best friend Greg lost his dad to a massive stroke.  Jim English was not only the dad of my friend, he was my friend.  I’ve gotten to know him over the last...

Count the Cost

Count the Cost

  A few years back our media team produced a great video called “The Set Up Fairy.”  If I were more technologically adept I’d put it up here so you could see it, but trust...

Where Did All The Passion Go?

Where Did All The Passion Go?

It happens in marriages.  It happens in jobs.  And it especially happens in churches.  Vision drifts, passion wanes, and people find themselves stuck in a rut with no way out. The problem is often not...