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Confessions of a Control Freak

“My name is Danny, and I like things to be done my way.” If I ever attend a twelve-step program, that’ll be my opening line.  I was singing Frank Sinatra lyrics before I knew the...


Yesterday I was in a meeting hammering out some details for what will be the volunteer event of the year here at the Summit.  Go ahead and mark your calendar for August 15-16.  This Friday...

What Does Your Posture Reveal?

I have pretty horrendous posture.  Most of my day is spent sitting in my office, because I believe firmly in violating the first principle of being a pastor: “You Should Spend Time With Your People.”...

Starting Point-a-palooza

Starting Point-a-palooza

Yesterday the Summit took crazy to a whole new level.  For the first time, we attempted two different Starting Point events at two different campuses.  It was an all-day new people fest that left us...

Week of Hope Wrap-Up

Week of Hope Wrap-Up

Today marks the final day in our third annual Week of Hope.  This year has been unprecedented in Summit folks’ creativity and new ways to be a blessing to our community.  We’ve had more opportunities...

Why I Refuse to Blog

Why I Refuse to Blog

Those of you who know me well know that I’m a late adopter.  It’s hard for me to jump on the bandwagon until all the bugs are worked out, the price has gone down, and...

And So It Begins

And So It Begins

Typing this sentence is a bit like ripping off a Band-Aid.  As I launch this first blog entry out into cyberspace, I am both admitting defeat and embracing victory.  Defeat…because I swore that blogging was...

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