Tagged: Christmas

Merry Christmas From The Franks Family!

Thank you for being a reader in 2016! I’m taking a brief blogging break through the end of the year. See you on the flip side in ’17!

Flashback Friday: Our Annual Jam

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   As a blogger, I feel like I have one primary responsibility to...

Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the...

Flashback Friday: In Solemn Stillness Lay

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! A couple of weeks ago Merriem and I were sitting in the living...

Wednesday Three For All

I’m forgoing the normal Thursday Three For All this week because there’s some special stuff coming tomorrow. Meanwhile, enjoy these three posts that I’ve been perusing this week. (Yes. “Perusing.” Because I’m sophisticated like that.) Remember to...

O Holy Night: Our Annual Jam

As a blogger, I feel like I have one primary responsibility to you, the reading community. And this year, I almost let it slip by unnoticed. I am referring, of course, to our annual grouplisten...

Flashback Friday: Deck the Alls

Sadly, it’s the day after Thanksgiving, which means – sadly – this will likely be happening at my house this weekend. Pray for me. Last weekend our family participated in a time-honored annual tradition that...

Merry Christmas from the Franks Family!

Christmas at DPAC, Day One

“Behold.” It was a declaration given by the angels, a command obeyed by the shepherds, and a lifestyle observed by Mary and Joseph. Behold is what we did on Tuesday night, as we realized that...

Service Means Sacrifice

As I type, it’s the night before our third annual Christmas at DPAC services. For the next two days we’ll host five capacity crowds in downtown Durham. Between all of the set up, tear down,...