Tagged: gospel

Flashback Friday: Marshmallow Grabbing and the Gospel

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! Yesterday I was rolling down the road and listening to NPR, because apparently...

What’s at Stake?

One of our church planters forwarded me this email last week. I share it both with his and the original author’s permission. I’ve changed her name and the name of our church plant for privacy...

It’s Not About Parking Cars

Guest services isn’t about how you serve your guests. It’s about why.  Parking a car, opening a door, seating a rear, and pouring a cup of coffee are means to an end. Sure, they’re an important means, but they’re...

Michael Brown is your neighbor.

  This week, all eyes are on Ferguson, Missouri, where an unarmed black man was killed by a policeman last Saturday. As I write, I’m grieved. Grieved over a broken family. Grieved over a broken community. Grieved...

Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ’em, to be exact. Enjoy.   Welcome to America…Now Speak English. (via @TimAStevens) Let the...

Thursday Three For All

A Conversation with My Soul (via @_MichaelKelley) Do you spend more time letting your soul speak to you? Or do you preach the gospel to your soul? Good morning, soul. It’s another day that the Lord...

Thursday Three For All

Jesus Hates Religion. He Really Does. (via @FoxNews) Boom diggity. Read it. Remember it. I know I need to. I think we as Christians have a reputation as conversation stoppers. When we engage people on the other...

Do Something Different

Yesterday was Father’s Day, which means one thing in our family: Ice cream for dinner. Father’s Day Ice Cream Dinner has become somewhat of an annual tradition, because (a) I’m the father and (b) I...

Flashback Friday: One Man’s Trash…

  …It was when I drove into my hometown that I remembered the twice a year trash amnesty week.  For seven days in the spring and a matching seven in the fall, you can put...

From Death to Life

  As weekends go, this one was huge. We celebrated my oldest son’s high school graduation on Friday, and my dad’s 75th birthday on Sunday. Both are big milestones. Both were worthy of a big...