Tagged: leadership

The Greatest Test of Your Ministry

I had a couple of great student pastors growing up. “Bob” (I’ll call him that, because that’s his real name) was runnin’ the show during my early high school years. He was infamous for his...

Flashback Friday: Not Their Niche

Every Friday we dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   What happens when a team member (be it paid staff, volunteer, etc.)...

Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy.   Five Things Pastors with ADHD want You to...

How to Defuse a Volunteer

Maybe it’s happened to you: you’re running through a regular weekend service, minding your own beeswax, and things get tense. I’m talking you-could-cut-it-with-a-knife tense. Somebody’s-about-to-blow tense. Shawty-fire-burning-on-the-dance-floor tense. Something doesn’t go as planned, systems begin...

You Never Know Until You Ask

I’m not what you would call a late night TV fan. If it’s 11:30 and I get still, this old man is asleep. But that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate late night TV. If only...

The Problem With Outside The Lines

The road in front of our neighborhood has been undergoing a facelift lately. They scraped it, then paved it, then paved it again. Then set up cones. Then more pavement. Then…you get the picture. It’s...

Thursday Three For All

The Moment in Madison Square. (via @slkooiman, HT @drmoore) Good gracious. This is a beautiful story of marital love, from both sides of the wedding altar. I wanted to tell you so many things.  I wanted...

Creating an Asking Culture

Last week we talked about those who ask: people on your team who challenge their friends to serve in a meaningful way within the church. Every team needs doers, but if your team doesn’t have...

Stories vs. Statistics

Last week was vacation week for the Franks family. And like all good vacations, I had time to catch up on a backlog of reading (I also watched Dawn of the Prequel to the Sequel of...

“Had It Not Been For __________, I Never Would Have __________.”

It was meant to be a throwaway statement: an off-the-cuff anecdote to illustrate a larger topic. It happened last week in a monthly meeting we host with some of our key volunteers. Honestly, I don’t...