Tagged: serve

What Did Your Words Just Say?

Sunday. The grocery store. A quick stop on the way home from church to pick up snacks for small group. Small talk with the lady at the register. “How’s your day going so far?” And a...

Flashback Friday: SwerveRDU

We’re right in the middle of ServeRDU 2014, which makes it a perfect time to whip out this gem from a few years back… If you’re a Summit peep, you know that this week is ServeRDU,...

Thursday Three For All

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy.    If You’re Thinking About Leaving A Church. (via @MarkDever)...

The Hospitality Litmus Test

Think back to last weekend. What did your interaction with guests look like? How many did you speak to? How many did you take the time to notice? How many caused you to interrupt your tasks...

Attitude Won’t Last

In case you haven’t seen the viral video of the week, it’s worth the 2:28 it’ll take you to watch it. (Go ahead. I’ll wait.) Apollos Hester is my new hero. I’d like to sit...

Who’s In Front Of You?

I hear it all the time. You do, too. Perhaps you’ve said it. I know I have. I need more volunteers! I need more people to serve. I need more people to step up. I...

Why Does It Matter?

This’ll surprise you, but I had a lot of pet peeves in college: my roommate who ate nothing but Top Shelf brand spaghetti and meatballs (unheated). Friends in the cafeteria who would grab my ice...

Everybody is Good at Something

If you’re a leader, no doubt you struggle with helping people find their fit. In our “You can do it!” “You’re special!” “You’re a snowflake!” culture, we’ve inadvertently raised a generation and created an environment...

Can You Have Too Many Volunteers?

If you’ve perused this blog for any length of time, you’ve noticed two things: I rarely – if ever – use the word peruse. I’m a firm believer that you can never have too many volunteers....

Remembering Truett

Yesterday morning America woke up to the news that Truett Cathy – founder of Chick-fil-A and indisputable godfather of the chicken sandwich – had passed away. Throughout the day I saw tributes on Twitter, Facebook,...