Tagged: strategy

Look Out For The Loom List

Most of us have a to-do list. We write down the things we need to accomplish, and then we set about the process of crossing them off. (Or if you’re psychotic like me, you do...

Are You Ready When They’re Ready?

I’ve stumbled into several conversations over the past few weeks that have forced me to focus on one primary question: Do we greet guests the way they want to be greeted? The question started bouncing around in my...

A Lot of People

According to the polls, a lot of people like Donald Trump. You’ve heard of him, right? Real estate mogul. Reality TV star. Hair icon. Trump’s rise in popularity has single-handedly managed to bewilder the free...

Explain the Why

You’ve undoubtedly heard the story of the husband and the ham. It’s a must-do illustration for all pastors. So much so, that all Southern Baptist seminaries require graduates to sign a contract stipulating that they...

What’s the Point of Point A to Point B?

I’m currently in the middle of a biography on Andrew Jackson. I tell you this because (a) it makes me sound more studied than what I actually am and (b) it feels like I’m being...

Lousy Announcements Lead to Lousy Events

During a recent session of Connections Confab, our Small Groups Pastor David Talbert led a discussion on Starting Point, the newcomers event we host here at the Summit. As an aside, he referenced three reasons that...

What’s Stopping You?

It’s Monday. Which means – if you’re anything like me – you’re rolling into the office with a pocket full of Post-It notes, a half a dozen thoughts scribbled onto the back of your business...

Plan the Work. Work the Plan.

I’m smack-dab in the middle of an intense season. Events and projects and meetings and tasks are piling up higher and faster than pumpkin spice products on aisle twelve of Kroger. Yesterday I bounced from one...

Own It & On It

Not long ago I had a conversation with a couple of friends who are church planters. These guys are heroes: serving Jesus and building community like a boss. They’ve sacrificed time, sanity, and salary to...

Prepared and Authentic

We’re celebrating our first ever Guest Blogger Week here on the blog. Today’s post comes courtesy of Clayton Greene, my former team member and current Executive Pastor of The Bridge Church in Wilmington, NC. Clayton is...