Category: First Impressions

Coming Soon To A Campus Near You

Coming Soon To A Campus Near You

As you know by now, this fall we’re adding a 12:30 service and a 10:45 overflow service to the Brier Creek AM Campus. With those additions come a huge need to beef up our First...

Reasons I Love My Church, #216:

Reasons I Love My Church, #216:

At the First Time Guest Tent last Sunday, a guest filled out one of our info cards.  At the bottom of the card, we always ask this question: “How did you hear about the Summit?”...

A First Impressions Primer, Part 2

A First Impressions Primer, Part 2

In yesterday’s post we started to answer a question from Doug in Michigan.  Read on for part 2 of that discussion.  Oh, and happy 200th post, Connective Tissue readers. Our FIT has one driving mission,...

A First Impressions Primer

I’m continuously amazed at the random people who show up in the comments section of this blog.  It’s like when Norah Jones drops in at Sesame Street to sing about the letter “Y” with Elmo…yes it’s very...

The Hospitality Culture

The Hospitality Culture

Summit Church, you were paid one of the highest compliments last weekend that I can think of in terms of first impressions.  As many of you know, we hosted the Re:Sound worship event at the...

Be. Aggressive. Be, Be Aggressive

Anybody else have that cheer at your high school?  That might have been my second-to-least favorite cheer that our cheerleading squad had, coming in only after “It’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot in here…there must...

Tell the Why

Your Why matters. You have to know it, your team has to know it, and you have to know that your team knows it. Here’s why you have to continuously repeat the Why… The Why...

50 Word Week: Bay Venue

50 Word Week: Bay Venue

We’re in the middle of 50 Word Week on the blog.  The title and this paragraph don’t count.  Fifty words begin…now. For the next three Sundays, we’re going to open the Bay as an additional...

Take a Breath, Summit Peeps…

Take a Breath, Summit Peeps…

…we’re just a couple of days away from Easter Sunday.  It will be the biggest attendance weekend in history at the Summit Church, and here’s what you can do to get prepared: Serving?  Then make...

Resurrection YES, Confusion NO

Resurrection YES, Confusion NO

Perhaps I should begin by apologizing for a lame blog title.  Sure, I could go back and correct it rather than typing this apology, but frankly I don’t want to.  I am still smack in...