Category: General Ranting

Get Lanny on Leno!

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Friday programming to bring you the social experiment of the decade.  And by “decade,” I mean today.  Or right at this very moment.  Whatever. This is not the social experiment...

Bible Doctrines Explained

Bible Doctrines Explained

I’m so thankful for folks like this who can clear up the doctrine of the Trinity, because apparently I’ve been wrong this whole time.  Nothing says “biblical faithfulness” like bathrobes, 24 inch goatees, and electric...

Balcony People

Back in the day when I was a Student Pastor, I used to have a pocket full of illustrations for students.  You know the ones…the cutesy little gems that you’d whip out whenever times got...

Be Still And Know…

Alarm clock snooze button I can’t believe it’s time to get up stumble through stubbed toe brew coffee spill coffee curse coffee bless coffee open Bible study Bible pray… Be still and know that I...

The Nines In The Can

The Nines In The Can

If you’re not a church nerd, you might have missed The Nines yesterday, a free online conference sponsored by Leadership Network. The premise: dozens of leaders sharing nine minutes of their best stuff, all day...



~sigh~  I’ve succumbed to being gimmicky on this blog and talking about what all other bloggers are talking about today. Editor’s Note: You succumbed way before now.  Don’t kid yourself. Today is 9.9.09.  What does...

Christology…On Your Side

Christology…On Your Side

I was pretty excited to get this in the mail last week.  It opened all sorts of new possibilities for the weekend. …just kidding, of course.  But I found it fascinating that Nationwide is employing...

Idea Infusion

Idea Infusion

Dear Readers: For the last several weeks, I have been busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.  Staff retreats, speaking engagements, new interns, new service times, and fielding calls from congress asking for...

Coming Friday…

Coming Friday…

It’s been a quiet day on the blog, because I have a head cold. Not that you care, but seriously, I got stuff packed in there like six gallons of spaghetti in a four gallon...

In Case Of Rapture, This Doghouse Will Be Unmanned

In Case Of Rapture, This Doghouse Will Be Unmanned

Tim Stevens linked to a great website over on his blog today, promoting a company run by atheists who promise to take care of your pet once Jesus comes back. No kidding. Go read Tim’s...