Category: General Ranting

Christmas Carols for the Rest of Us…

Christmas Carols for the Rest of Us…

We continue Yule Blog Week today…a series of really short posts that will help you get your blog fix and get back to Christmas. Although these are not original with me, I think they’re pretty...

A Thanksgiving Parable

It’s 2008 in Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts.  Due to unforeseen delays and dramatic blogging license, the pilgrims are 400 years late arriving in the new world.  The following is a recap of the first Thanksgiving. After...

J.D.’s Product Placement

J.D.’s Product Placement

I’m proud to be the owner of the object that has been used as an illustration in several of J.D.’s sermons.  It happened again on Sunday for at least the fourth time.  Four is more...

My Fellow Americans…

My Fellow Americans…

Anyone who reads this blog knows I have no problem using my spiritual gift of sarcasm to get the point across.  I thought about using today’s bully pulpit as an opportunity to do some bi-partisan...


It’s baaaa-aaaack. The day is here.  You know the one: it’s the day that has caused friction in Christian circles for nigh unto forever.  The day that stirs debate much like a wooo-hooo-ooo-witchy woman stirring up...

The Sound Booth Stare

The Sound Booth Stare

I’m pretty sure there’s an unwritten rule of blogging somewhere that says, “Never call attention to your absence.”  For example, if a certain blogger had been non-productive in the blogosphere since, oh, say… October 9th,...

Political Ponderings

Political Ponderings

I’m working on a thought. Usually, when I say that, it means “I haven’t really thought this through, and if I were to take it to it’s logical conclusion I’d probably feel pretty foolish for...

Oh I Wish I Were…

You’d better believe it, baby.  That’s the Weinermobile that rolled up into North Durham earlier this week, and Summit Student Pastor / fellow blogger Jason Gaston and I were there to witness it first-hand. I...

I Don’t Need This in My Life

I Don’t Need This in My Life

If you were to ask my bride to think back to our dating and early marriage days and highlight a particular pet peeve, she can name it without thinking.  Actually, pet peeve is not the...

For Your Monday Viewing Pleasure…

For Your Monday Viewing Pleasure…

As many of you know, we’ve been struggling to keep up with the number of worship leaders and teams that are necessary to lead the various campuses that we launch, such as our upcoming West Club...