Category: Growth

Fan Into Flame the Gifts of God

Paul’s letters to Timothy have to rank among my favorite New Testament writing. Penned from a father in the faith to a young man who is still finding his way in ministry, Paul tenderly, carefully laid out...

The Great Exchange

My sin. His holiness. My sorrow. His joy. My works. His grace. My shame. His glory. My wounds. His scars. My selfishness. His kindness. My pride. His humility. My self-righteousness. His gift of righteousness. My...

Own Your Decision

A couple of weeks back I had a great conversation with Rick Langston, one of our Executive Pastors.  Rick is my “Yoda,” not because he’s so wise, but because he’s kinda old and wrinkly and...

Deconstructing Criticism: Giving It

(This is the 4th in a five part series. Catch up on the rest of the posts below.) Everyone’s a critic.  Even you.  Especially you.  And yes, there are times when criticism is well-grounded, edifying,...

Nothing To Say

Although some would argue that even when I say something, I’m not saying anything, this “nothing to say” stems from a great quote I read a couple of weeks ago from Mother Teresa: “People may not...