Relationship Rules
I’ve had two pretty major relational upheavals in my life lately that have left me quite shaken: my hair cut lady left the chain I’ve been going to for seven years, and my mechanic moved...
I’ve had two pretty major relational upheavals in my life lately that have left me quite shaken: my hair cut lady left the chain I’ve been going to for seven years, and my mechanic moved...
chutz·pa [khoot-spuh, hoot-] –noun 1. unmitigated effrontery or impudence; gall. 2. audacity; nerve. 3. my 12 year old standing above the student section at Cameron on Saturday night. Needless to say, this was a “before” picture. The “after”...
I’ve been thinking a lot about parenting lately, (a) because I are one, and (2) because it’s Very Hard Work. If you’re a parent, you know that to be true. These are people that you...
Yesterday morning I caught up with my friend and fellow Summit pastor Brad O’Brien over coffee. If you’re new to the Summit, it might surprise you that Brad and I haven’t always carried the titles of...
Most of you who stalk…um…follow Summit staff know that Small Groups Guy Spence Shelton is single-handedly sending the family doctor to Aruba in February. So far this month, every family member but Spence has spent...
The scene: our Chevy Trailblazer, hauling the entire Franks crew. The setup: a back seat convo between Austin (12) and Jacob (13). Austin: So this kid in my class says, “Which religion are you?” And...
My 12 year old Austin – also known as Constant Source of Blog Material – recently landed a spot on the Junior Varsity basketball team. His first game was on the same night of our...
This one goes out to my small group peeps. As a guy who is 600 miles away from our closest family, I’m grateful for you. The Franks crew didn’t travel for Thanksgiving, but just the...
So if you follow me on Twitter – Editor’s Note: Whoa there. Is there a shameless plug coming up? – absolutely not. If you follow me on tell all your friends and neighbors and...
Not totally sure what this says about what goes on in a Campus Pastor’s house, but I’m pretty sure some sort of counseling is going to be necessary. The following is a picture / story...