Category: Staff Stuff

How Deep Does Your Trust Go?

In a recent post, I talked about our staff’s desire to assume the best: that the people around us are smart and have good intentions. And that’s an outstanding mantra…one that belongs on one of...

When it Comes to Your Volunteers, Assume the Best

As far as coaching moments go, it wasn’t my best day. I was hanging out on a Sunday morning close to the main entrance of the building, observing our first time guest process. You know, the...

Desperate Measures

In a recent conversation with a friend, we were bemoaning growth of all sorts: volunteer ratios. Attendance numbers. Waistlines after polishing off a fourth of a pecan pie. (Oops. Wrong blog post.) We concluded that...

Get the Story.

I spent part of the weekend devouring Bob Thomas’ Walt Disney: An American Original. One, because I’m a certified nerd, and two, because my friend Bob Adams – a Disneyphile in the truest sense – told me it was...

Flashback Friday: Let Your Leaders Be Shepherds

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   It seems simple enough: when you give someone a leadership role, you...

What Do You Stand For?

Much ink has been spilled on the subject of vision. Whether it’s our churches, our businesses, our our individual lives, we’ve all been challenged to articulate our vision, pursue our vision, protect our vision, and...

One Question Wednesday

Today I’ll sit down for the first time with my newly-hired administrative assistant. My former assistant Kristy is in the throes of full-time mommyhood (mommydom? mommyland?), and so a new chapter in the Summit’s Connections team...

Last Call for Confab

Not too long ago I announced plans for the fall version of the Connections Confab, a series of gatherings in August-November of this year designed to help you take your guest services / assimilation / covenant membership /...

Why I Attended the Connections Confab

We’re celebrating our first ever Guest Blogger Week here on the blog, and we’re kicking it off with my friend Steven Murray, Director of Communications at Houston’s First Baptist Church.He’s been in that role for nine...

Flashback Friday: Interview Your Volunteers

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   On this morning’s commute, I was tuned in to a station where...