I Have A Question
Okay, so I don’t really have a question. For once, I’m not the hand-raised, kid-at-the-back-of-the-class, yelling “Ooh, pick me! Pick me!” Nope, this is a post about people who have questions. Scratch that. People who...
Okay, so I don’t really have a question. For once, I’m not the hand-raised, kid-at-the-back-of-the-class, yelling “Ooh, pick me! Pick me!” Nope, this is a post about people who have questions. Scratch that. People who...
We continue our spring series of Topical Tuesday posts, where you pick the topic (i.e., ask a question) and I ramble on and on until I think I’ve answered it. Or until you put your...
This post won’t be pretty. The squeamish should look away. And if you’re a neatnik Pharisaical type, just go ahead and start polishing your rifle, because you’re going to need it in 3…2… As a...
I was totally blindsided on Sunday. Hoodwinked. Wool pulled over my eyes. Bamboozled. Shenanniganized. Editor’s Note: I don’t think that’s a word. Never mind. My two older sons and I were shopping at that fine...
It happened again on Sunday. I met another Summit family who have whole-heartedly bought into the vision of why we do what we do. I was visiting our new North Durham Campus at Hillandale Elementary...
This is our Student Pastor, Jason Gaston. This is a Sleestak, from Land of the Lost. If it’s okay with you, I’m just...
Today we kick off our spring series of Topical Tuesday posts, where you pick the topic (i.e., ask a question) and I pontificate for paragraphs on end until I think I’ve answered it. Or until...
February 1994. I was a second year student pastor at a church in West Tennessee, and it was time for our Valentine’s Banquet. Now if you’re not familiar with student ministry in the 90’s, there...
It’s time once again, my peeps. Time to let you drive the content of ye olde blogge. Time for you to ask probing questions. Time to delve the depths of my vast theological knowledge. Editor’s...
I serve on the staff of a rapidly growing multi-site church. While that means that there are a lot of great things happening, it also means that we’re always trying to shuffle the decks to...