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Where Did THAT Come From?

Where Did THAT Come From?

If you’re not familiar with the Christian term known as apologetics, siddown whilst Uncle Danny schools ya… “Apologetics” is defined as the thoughtful, thorough defense of Christian beliefs and doctrine, often in the face of...

Directory Persistence

Directory Persistence

The scene: Highway 15-501 South; I am in my car on the cell phone, trying to compare prices on getting the tank for the gas grill filled, because yes, I’m just that cheap. Audio-Animatronic Operator...

Stop Being a Lousy Parent

Stop Being a Lousy Parent

As was mentioned here last week, on Saturday morning at the Nexus Project I led a breakout session for parents.  We had around 25 parents that showed up on a weekend when (a) they had...

Clayton King ≠ South African Leader

Clayton King ≠ South African Leader

Yesterday my family and I had the privilege of going to lunch with Gaston and his family and Clayton King, who headlined this weekend’s Nexus Project and spoke at the Summit on Sunday morning. As...

Ask the CP: Daylight Savings Time

Ask the CP: Daylight Savings Time

Dear Connections Pastor: Can you explain Daylight Savings Time to me, the general public?  What is it?  Why do we need it?  Could we live without it? Signed, Springing Forward in Fuquay   Dear Springing:...

Coming Full Circle

Coming Full Circle

I received this e-mail earlier this week and share it here with the sender’s permission… Dear Pastor Danny, I am fairly new to the Summit coming regularly for the past few months. One of the...

Forced Sabbath

Forced Sabbath

I’m very much a schedule guy.  I like to have my day organized, like to know what’s happening when, and I get very frustrated when things don’t go according to plan. Like a snow day....

Parenting Paradox

The Good: Our last born lost his first tooth yesterday.  He’s been wondering for a while when the big moment was going to happen, and so were we, since there wasn’t a sign of a...

Believe: Finish Line?

Sunday was the culmination of our Believe project.  At all four campuses all day long, we prayed, gave, and worshipped the God who made it all possible. If you’re like me, Sunday was also the...

Divine Encounters

Here’s a peek into my world over the last ten days: I had a conversation with a guy who doesn’t attend our church.  He was raised in church, but now doesn’t know what he believes...