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Believe: Finish Line?

Sunday was the culmination of our Believe project.  At all four campuses all day long, we prayed, gave, and worshipped the God who made it all possible. If you’re like me, Sunday was also the...

Divine Encounters

Here’s a peek into my world over the last ten days: I had a conversation with a guy who doesn’t attend our church.  He was raised in church, but now doesn’t know what he believes...

Goodbye, Amber

Today is going to be a bittersweet day around the Summit offices.  For the last six years we’ve worked and laughed and cried and served with a great friend.  Today, that friend is doing something...

Believe: Money Talks?

As a pastor, it’s drilled into your head that you don’t talk about money.  Ever.  Never ever.  I don’t know who drills that in there, necessarily, but it’s true.  Or at least I think it...

This Post is Rated PG-13

This Post is Rated PG-13

Today, I’m walking down memory lane. Today, I have a loop reel of the faces of hundreds of parents that I served during my years as a Student Pastor.  I remember looking them dead in...

Come Into His Presence with…Diet Coke?

Come Into His Presence with…Diet Coke?

As a kid, beverages in worship were an absolute no-no.  My parents would have sooner had me stand up on the pew and throw my Mad Libs: Church Edition* square at the pastor’s head than...

Believe: It’s for the Kids

Don’t break out your Whitney Houston soundtrack just yet.  That’s not where I’m going. My wife – in addition to taking good care of me while I’m at the dentist – also has some incredibly...

Insights on Incisors, Part Two

This is an unplanned follow up to a previous post, if you’d like to catch up. Yesterday I had to make a return trip to the dentist’s office to replace a filling that decided to...

Book Review: A Comedian’s Guide to Theology

This book review is brought to you by the good people at Family Christian Stores. Well, not really.  But I thought I’d give a shout to my FCS brethren before I tell you why I...

Tuesday Musings

Tuesday Musings

It’s been a while since I’ve given you a free-for-all download about what’s going on in my head, so let’s do that now. Editor’s note: I just checked your file, and you’ve never given a...