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It’s Friday, But Sunday’s Coming

It’s Friday, But Sunday’s Coming

That’s right, I just had an 80’s flashback and made a blog post title reference to a Tony Campolo book / sermon / and maybe a movie but I can’t confirm that.  You won’t see...


There’s an old joke about a guy who went to prison and ended up in a row of cells with all of the “lifers” … those guys who had been in the place since the...

Service Without Service

Not too long ago I heard an interview with Bill Price, co-author of The Best Service is No Service.  The basic thesis of the book is that as a business / church / whatever-we-are, we should...

The Passive Pastor

The Passive Pastor

On Sunday Pastor J.D. rock-n-rolled with the Cannonball series.  One of the key points to the message was the truth of Acts 1:8, where Jesus told the disciples that the kingdom of God would not...

Extreme Home Breakdown

Extreme Home Breakdown

It’s been a busy weekend at the Franks household.  So busy, in fact, that coming back to the Grand Central Station we call the Summit offices is looking pretty dang good. This was the weekend...

100th Post and a Poll

100th Post and a Poll

That’s right, Connective Tissue readers: break out your cyber-confetti and blow your celebratory interweb kazoo…it’s the 100th post.  I was going to wow you with some fancy-schmancy statistics on how many posts that breaks down...

The Snowball Effect

The Snowball Effect

Believe it or not, this is not another post in homage to this week’s snowfall.  For that story – including my gratuitous use of the word “poo” on a ministry blog – click here. Snowflakes...

Frank Capra was a Liar

For my out-of-state readers, let me bring you up to speed by telling you that the Triangle area received anywhere from 2 to 6 inches of snow on Monday night.  (Without that info, this story...

What Are Your “What Ifs?”

What Are Your “What Ifs?”

As I’ve mentioned, last Saturday we held our Frontline event, where we bring in both seasoned and future volunteers and expose them to the major opportunities of service at the Summit.  I had the privilege...


This is a view of my office after a busy Frontline / Starting Point weekend.  There comes a point on a weekend like this that you stop looking for places to put things, and just...