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One-Day Workshops: Get 2, Save 20!

Our 2024 One-Day Workshops are in full swing. In late August we hosted our first of three, and over 70 leaders from Kansas to Virginia and Alabama to Missouri joined us for a day of...

How Does a Hospitable Culture Apply to Our Facilities?

We’re in an ongoing series called Hospitable Culture. The big question is this: What if hospitality isn’t something we do, it’s simply who we are? In other words, what if we could bump hospitality beyond...

The One “Guest Services Prayer” That God Always Answers

If I might be so bold, I know the question you can ask God that will almost always get a response. It’s a question that’s easy enough to ask, but the answer might come with...

Leaning Isn’t Leading

Recently, my daughter spent several birthdays at a pizza joint of her choosing. It was actually just one birthday – her 14th – but we were there for so long I think she might have...

4 Ways to Know You’re Addicted to Innovation

In a recent post we talked about the art of innovation: we’re created as creative creatures, and creating is a good thing. Except when it’s not. Except when innovation comes at the cost of clarity....

Addicted to Innovation

Leaders, thinkers, and creatives tend to love the art of innovation: let’s try this thing or what if we did x or simply hey, what if…? And there’s nothing wrong with innovation. God created us...

First-Time Guest Bags: a Q&A

The recent posts on our First-Time Guest bags and our redesigned First-Time Guest cups have sparked a few further questions via email, text, and social media. It’s giving me flashbacks of fourth grade Danny, who...

Danny Recommends: Step2 Neighborhood Wagon

Every so often we dip our toes into a series called Danny Recommends:, posts that tip you off to the stuff that I…you know. The recommendations might be products for use in your ministry, resources that will...

What’s Your $2 Hot Dog?

One of my favorite books is Will Guidara’s Unreasonable Hospitality, and one of my favorite stories from the book is the tale of the $2 hot dog. If you’ve heard a podcast, read an article,...

Top Ten Quotes: The Common Rule

I’m going to shoot straight with you: there are plenty of books that I choose to read precisely because (a) I don’t want to and (b) I know I desperately need to. The Common Rule:...