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Guest Services Workshop: Central Florida Edition

Florida friends, I’m heading your way. Next month I’ll be in Orlando leading a Guest Services Workshop, and I’d like for you to join me. The event will be hosted by Grace Alive Church and...

Merry Christmas from the Franks Family!

Thank you for being a reader in 2017. I’m taking a brief blogging break through the end of year, but I’ll be back on the flippity flip in 2018. Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Christmas at DPAC: Day One

Christmas came early to downtown Durham last night. 2,600 in attendance at the first service. 311 volunteers. All heard the gospel clearly presented amidst the sights and sounds of the season. Here are a few...

Flashback Friday: I’m With Joe

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   I’ve been thinking a lot about Joseph this season. You know…Joseph of...

Thursday Three For All: Christmas at DPAC, Mall Winter Wonderland, and Santa School

It’s the Thursday before Christmas, which means you have no time to be reading articles. So in the spirit of the season, I offer you videos (that you also don’t have time for). So go ahead:...

2017 Year In Review: Posts

It’s been quite a year, campers. For the first time since I started occupying this little corner of the internet in 2008, I’ve managed to put up a post every single weekday this year. Every. Single....

2017 Year In Review: Books

According to a friend in an email he sent me last night, “every leader and their cousin is posting the ‘best books I read this year.’” Well Julie*, get ready, because we have some reading to...

Christmas at DPAC: It’s Not For Us

(This is a modified version of a post that originally appeared on December 9, 2014.) We’re neck-deep in last-minute planning for one of the largest events we do all year. Christmas at DPAC takes months of...

Flashback Friday: Sad Christmas Carols

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you!   Over on my alternate world known as The Twitter, it’s been a...

Thursday Three For All: One Question, Someday Syndrome, and Elf Interrogation

It’s Thursday, kiddies: the day when I roll out a few things I’ve been reading over the past week. Three of ‘em, to be exact. Enjoy. (Remember: click on the big bold print to read the...