Tagged: training

Announcing 2017 Weekenders

There is power in observation. If you’re a part of this blog community, chances are good that you appreciate the benefits of reading. On this site, you’ll read about guest services, read about processes, read...

My Takeaways from Connections Confab

Guest post by Charity Milligan, Director of Connections at Trinity Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida. The Connections Confab was a game changer for me. I’m the Director of Connections at a multi-service, multi-campus church. My...

Why We Offer a Connections Confab

[This is a modified version of a post that originally appeared on December 2, 2014]   A couple of weeks ago I announced the 2017 Connections Confab – a small gathering for guest services / assimilation...

2017 Connections Confab: Apply Now!

2016 is winding down, campers. All of your Thanksgiving gravy has officially congealed in your circulatory system, and some of you are in the process of trying to flush it out with peppermint mocha and...

An Offer You Can’t Refuse (But Seriously…)

We are just a few days shy of the registration deadline for our One-Day Workshop on Volunteer Culture. Regardless of the area you oversee (Kids ministry? Yep. Worship? Uh-huh. Community outreach? Okee-dokee.), regardless of the area where you’re currently...

The Why Matters. (Even When It’s Accidental.)

In our First Impressions Training, we focus on the “Why.” That’s disappointing to some Type A people who simply want to get a checklist and get on with the job. But checklists don’t allow you to gauge...

Announcing a New One-Day Workshop: Volunteer Culture

Someone once said that every organization is a volunteer organization. It’s true. If you’re a business owner, your employees have a choice on whether or not they work for you. If you run the place like a...

The Training Game

There are two types of churches when it comes to the training of volunteers: those who actually do it well, and those who really really really need to do it (really). And yes, I’m painting...

The What, Why, & When of Weekenders

There is power in observation. If you’re a part of this blog community, chances are good that you appreciate the benefits of reading. On this site, you’ll read about guest services, read about processes, read...

Why You Should Bring Your Team to the Guest Services Workshop

UPDATE: Our June 17 Workshop is now at capacity. Add your name to the waiting list or sign up for email updates for future Workshop dates. On June 17th we’ll be hosting our second One Day Workshop focusing...