Top Ten Quotes: Excellence Wins
Anybody in the hospitality space knows who Horst Schulze is. As the cofounder and former president of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, Schulze knows a thing or two about treating people with dignity and class. He...
Anybody in the hospitality space knows who Horst Schulze is. As the cofounder and former president of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, Schulze knows a thing or two about treating people with dignity and class. He...
Earlier this summer I read Charles Spurgeon’s The Soul Winner: How to Lead Sinners to the Savior. I admittedly do not have enough engagement with reading historied theologians, so this was a nice departure from...
I first encountered John DiJulius in 2014 when I picked up a copy of Secret Service: Hidden Systems that Deliver Unforgettable Customer Service. It wasn’t exactly what I expected (DiJulius is a high-end salon owner,...
Let’s get one thing clear: even though I’m on staff at The Summit Church, I am not contractually obligated to read J.D. Greear‘s books. Or wash his car. Or tutor his kids in trigonometry. No,...
Hannah Anderson’s All That’s Good: Recovering the Lost Art of Discernment made its way to my summer reading list this year, and I’m glad it did. It’s a book that needs to be savored, lingered...
Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People is a behemoth in the publishing world. It’s been in print for over eight decades, and is constantly referenced and recommended as a must read for...
Earlier this week I tossed eleven books your way that I think you should read this summer. But earlier still, I started polling the social media interwebs to figure out what you’re reading that I...
It’s that hallowed time of the year, kiddies: the time when reading nerds break out their pasty legs, slather on some SPF 90, and catch up on books we’ve been meaning to get around to....
Our staff team recently read through Leadership as an Identity: The Four Traits of Those Who Wield Lasting Influence by Crawford Loritts, Jr. The book came highly recommended by a friend, so I was excited...
Confession time: I didn’t actually read all of my assigned seminary textbooks. (Gasp.) It’s sad, but it’s true of this lazy academian. Academan. Student. One of those books that was assigned-but-went-unread was The Cross of...