Category: First Impressions

How Do Outsiders View Your Inside?

It’s pretty easy for us to think about what we think about when we think about the weekend experience at our churches (feel free to re-read that sentence. I won’t be offended.). After all, they’re our experiences....

The Cloak of Invisibility

As restaurant experiences go, this one was pretty awful. It was a Sunday afternoon. Five of the six Franks family members were in attendance at a less-than-half-full joint that we’ve been to several times. The...

You Know What To Do, But…

I’m taking a little down time this week, including a brief blogging break. Meanwhile, I’m reaching back into the archives for posts that even I forgot I’d written. (Feel free to insert your own “forgettable”...


I’m taking a little down time this week, including a brief blogging break. Meanwhile, I’m reaching back into the archives for posts that even I forgot I’d written. (Feel free to insert your own “forgettable”...