Category: Promotion

Our Final One-Day Workshop (and a HUGE offer!)

We are two down, one to go on our 2017 One-Day Workshops. Our first two events have sold out and drawn in over 80 leaders from North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, Illinois, West Virginia, Indiana, Oklahoma,...

Another One-Day Workshop is Coming!

Last Tuesday my team hosted our first One-Day Workshop of 2017. The sold-out event drew over forty leaders from North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, Illinois, West Virginia, and Ohio. We spent a full day talking through all...

Need An Inexpensive Option for Team Training?

One of the most frequently-asked questions I hear has to do with resources for volunteer team training. That’s one of the primary reasons we put together The Gospel Is Offensive: Five Plumb Lines for Guest Services. In...

Four Reasons to Load Up the Van This Summer

If you’ve been hanging out under a rock lately, you may have missed the fact that we’re hosting two One-Day Workshops later this summer (and also that another Jack Sparrow movie is out…Pirates of the...

Ten Questions You Should Ask (And Answer) This Summer

The downtime of summer is a great time for reflection. I’m not talking about that weird aluminum foil thing you use to catch the sun’s rays on the beach and tan under your chin(s). Nope,...

2017 Weekenders: New Spots Open!

Our 2017 Weekenders are off to a strong start. February was at capacity, the June event is full, August is nearly full, and November is beginning to populate. (You people plan way in advance, I’ll give...