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Thursday Three For All

A Conversation with My Soul (via @_MichaelKelley) Do you spend more time letting your soul speak to you? Or do you preach the gospel to your soul? Good morning, soul. It’s another day that the Lord...

Turning Jeers Into Cheers

By now you’ve no doubt read the story of Berhard Brandner, the Frontier Airlines pilot who dug into his own pockets and bought 35 pizzas for his passengers stranded on the tarmac. It was a...

A Reissue of Connective Tissue

Big news, my friends: The day has come for a brand new look to the ol’ website. We’ve come a long way since post numero uno just a little over six years ago. And while the greenish tile...

Flashback Friday: Get to the Point

My kids’ school system could take a lesson in getting to the point.  On snow days or snow-delayed days, we receive an automated 5 AM phone call to let us know the status closings or...

Thursday Three For All

In other news, my WordPress dashboard tells me this is the 100th Thursday Three For All. That calls for a celebration. Or a realization that I’m really, really lazy and just like to curate other...

How To Spot A First Time Guest

A few weeks ago, an alert reader alerted me to the fact that they’d never seen a post of this kind on the blog. Sadly, I was not alert enough to jot down the alert...

What’s Your Leaky Lid?

Let’s start by getting one thing straight: the above photo is a piece o’ stock photography I ripped off of the interweb. Anyone in their right mind knows that the first step in drinking a...

Culture Shock: Watch Your Language

I’m currently kicking around Southeast Asia, spending some time with two of our teams who are engaging with locals. If you missed yesterday’s post you can catch up here.  Watch your language. Our mamas teach us...

Culture Shock: I Need A Sign

Over the last few days I’ve been hanging my proverbial hat in Southeast Asia, spending some time with a couple of our different teams who are engaging with local people groups. I’ve traveled a decent amount...

Flashback Friday: Make it Remarkable

If you lead a ministry, there’s a little something extra that will lavish grace on those you’re reaching. If you manage a team, there’s a way you can interact that will build cohesion. If you’re...