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Marketing or Serving? (part one)

Clayton Greene is the First Impressions Director at the Summit’s Brier Creek Campus, Sunday North Venue. You oughta follow him on Twitter. In his book on work, Every Good Endeavor, Tim Keller says the gospel teaches...

Flashback Friday: Evangelism Is Too Big Of A Deal

Flashback Friday: Evangelism Is Too Big Of A Deal

Sometimes I go back and read old posts, and realize how badly I still stink – years later – at putting what I wrote into practice. This is one of ’em. When evangelism creeps into the realm...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

Process Practice: Do You Get It? (via @robertvadams) Everybody seems to have good ideas while in the shower. Bob shows us how to generate those kinds of “aha” moments by hardwiring them into our teams. Inspiration...

Church at the Ballpark: Why You Should Serve

Church at the Ballpark: Why You Should Serve

This thing is really happening. After months of planning, weeks of fine-tuning details, and hours upon hours of thinking through every last contingency, we’re almost ready for Church at the Ballpark. It’ll be the biggest worship...

What’s Your Job?

Imagine for a moment that you’re a part of a fire department’s engine company: you’re the guys who slide down the pole and hop on the truck whenever the alarm goes out. And imagine that...

Vision Weekend 2013

Vision Weekend 2013

What. A. Weekend. We had a Small Groups Conference, College Leadership Retreat, and the largest Starting Point in the history of the Summit. We launched four new service times at two different campuses, on-boarded a...

Thursday Three For All

Thursday Three For All

The Church Welcome: This Time, With Feeling! (via @CarynRivadeneir) This is why we do what we do. While the cynic in me roars that the employees are only so welcoming because they’re being paid to or because we paid...

Church at the Ballpark: Why You Should Attend

Church at the Ballpark: Why You Should Attend

In just under four weeks we’ll be celebrating what promises to be the largest worship service ever at the Summit Church. Church at the Ballpark 2011 saw over 7200 people gather from all of our campuses...

No Insignificant Jobs

“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the...

Turning Crowds Into Wows

This weekend was the first of two peak attendance weekends we hit every August. It’s when our vacationing families return and our awesome college kids come back, bringing a couple hundred freshmen with them. Side...