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The Most Selfish Man In The World

A while back, I did it: I officially met the most selfish man in the world. I was having a conversation with a guy who told me that he didn’t let his wife play with...

Keller? Stellar.

Keller? Stellar.

Here in Ye Olde Triangle area, we’re hosting the gospel gangsta known as Tim Keller. He’s coming in this week for Advance ’11, and local theologians are so giddy they almost dropped their ESV Study...

Easter Rewind

Easter Rewind

If you’re not a part of the Summit Church, I’m especially excited to show you this recap that our creative team put together…especially the media juggernaut known at Josh Sliffe. It’s one of their best...

Serving With A Spread

Serving With A Spread

You’re looking at someone’s spiritual gifts on display. I snapped this picture on Easter Sunday morning just before our volunteers snapped the food up. This is the result of a couple of ladies – Vickie...

Stories From The Tank

Stories From The Tank

If you’re not a part of the Summit Church, y0u may not know that we’ve stumbled upon what has become an annual tradition. For the last couple of years, we’ve offered an instant baptism following...

The Great Exchange

My sin. His holiness. My sorrow. His joy. My works. His grace. My shame. His glory. My wounds. His scars. My selfishness. His kindness. My pride. His humility. My self-righteousness. His gift of righteousness. My...

Evil Rabbit, Part Deux

Evil Rabbit, Part Deux

Last week I told you about my wife’s demon bunny and how she taunts me with it on a regular basis. (The taunting hasn’t stopped, by the way. Yesterday morning I found it in the...

Exodus 2011

Exodus 2011

Awesome take on what Moses’ journey would look like if it happened in the age of social media. (from Enjoy!

Silly Rabbit, Red Eyes Are For Demons

Silly Rabbit, Red Eyes Are For Demons

My wife loves me. I want to tell you that right up front, because based on what you’re about to read, you’re going to question it. You’ll think that your pastor blogger friend needs immediate...

Gospel-Centered Guest Service

When you serve as a volunteer in the church world, dysfunction is a part of the job. It’s not 24-7 sunshine and daisies, people don’t always rise up to call you blessed, And chipmunks don’t...