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“We Don’t Do Comfortable.”

“We Don’t Do Comfortable.”

Warning: this post has the potential to make you want to respond. Don’t fight it. One of our pastors received this from a friend. The friend is on staff at a church in the Triangle...

O Holy Night: The Mystery Revealed

O Holy Night: The Mystery Revealed

For the last eight or nine Christmases, the butchered version of “O Holy Night” has been an annual staple of my iTunes lineup. Ever since a friend tried to convince me it was a real...

Why We Do What We Do

Two weeks ago, a lady walked up to our First Time Guest tent after the service she had just attended. She was in town for her niece’s wedding the day before. The niece is a...

Hygienists & Holiness

Hygienists & Holiness

Last week I went in for my regularly scheduled water boarding session known as the dental checkup. I’ve written extensively about my loathing-love for the dentist before, so I won’t revisit the topic of spit vacuum repairmen...

Play for Hope!

Play for Hope!

Alright, Raleigh-Durham friends, I’ve got a fun opportunity to tell you about.  This Friday night I’m attending Play for Hope Silent Auction.  Play for Hope is a charity that uses sports like soccer and basketball...

What the Church Can Learn From Disney (part 6)

Finally, people.  This is the last in a series of blog posts.  You can catch up here. Today we’re cranking out a two-fer.  That’s right: two Disney principles in one post, which is exactly what...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

No deep thoughts.  Just a funny video (and product placement) about a slippery turkey. And if you’re in the mood for a walk down memory lane, you can check out “A Thanksgiving Parable” from a...

What the Church Can Learn From Disney (part 5)

Polish your people. If there was one letdown of the Disney experience, it was this: not everybody who works there believes it is the happiest place on earth. It wasn’t like that on past trips....

An Open Apology to My Son*

An Open Apology to My Son*

Dear Austin, It looks like you broke your foot after all.  I’m sorry that I questioned you.  You were right.  I was wr…  wrrrrr… …I didn’t have all the facts. You have to understand that...

What the Church Can Learn From Disney (part 4)

Don’t start here. Back that mouse up. For a long time now, I’ve been telling you that details matter.  It matters that your facility is clean.  It matters that there’s toilet paper on the roll....