Latest posts
If you’re a Summit peep, you know that this week is ServeRDU, one of the biggest focal points of the year for community outreach. Yesterday, I worked as a “ground roofer” at the Durham Rescue...
When the Church Mourns
The past few days have been a time of great sadness for the Summit Church family. Late Sunday night, we received word that Bob & Julie Henn’s son Nate was killed in the terrorist bombing...
Rejected Sermon Titles
Sunday I had the opportunity to preach in front of my fave peeps – the folks at Summit’s Brier Creek campus. It was a tough message out of Hosea, which absolutely wrecked me last week....
It’s Not Me, It’s You
We’re wrapping up a week-long series. If you missed the boat, start here. Let’s face it: sometimes you’re right, and your critics are wrong. (You’ve been waiting all week for me to acknowledge the...
Regaining Ground
If you’re startin’ here, you’re four days late. Back the truck up. A few years ago, I fielded a very angry call from a guy whose wife and young daughter had attended our church a...
What Went Wrong?
It’s day three of You Blew It Week. Start the party here. Sometimes I feel like a professional screw up. It’s true. As a guy who generally has his stuff together and is typically organized,...
I Know You’re Sorry, Now Apologize
Psst: Hey you. This is the 2nd part of a five part series. Start here. My Grandaddy Franks was the King of Snark before snark was cool. He’d tell his employees, “You can show up...
You Blew It
You did, didn’t you? You screwed up royally. You forgot to return that phone call. That leader’s surgery fell off your calendar. A guest’s questions were never answered after repeated attempts and multiple handoffs. You’re...
First Impressions, North Raleigh Style
There’s a dirty little rumor going around that the Summit is launching a North Raleigh Campus later this fall. That’s right, we’re heading down 540 to the capital city…the City of Oaks…the City That Hoards...