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Get Lanny on Leno!

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Friday programming to bring you the social experiment of the decade.  And by “decade,” I mean today.  Or right at this very moment.  Whatever. This is not the social experiment...

When “Yes” Leads To “No”

In a church our size, there are plenty of opportunities to do plenty of things.  Big things.  Small things.  Expensive things.  Free things.  Hard things.  Easy things.  Things, things, and more things… “Would you partner...

Nothing To Say

Although some would argue that even when I say something, I’m not saying anything, this “nothing to say” stems from a great quote I read a couple of weeks ago from Mother Teresa: “People may not...

FI Fridays: Always On

FI Fridays: Always On

Every Friday this fall, I’m doing a series titled “First Impressions Fridays.”  These posts are specifically designed for the First Impressions Teams at all of our campuses, but hey, read it anyway.  You might learn...

Makes (No) Sense to Me!

Makes (No) Sense to Me!

On the way to school this morning, my boys and I were talking about the news that General Motors will shut down it’s Saturn line later this year.  I was explaining the impact this would...

Wolfpack Gospel

Wolfpack Gospel

I have the sports section on my desk. If you know me, you likely just spewed coffee from the Caps Lock to the Backspace key.  I don’t do sports.  I used to do sports, if...

Bible Doctrines Explained

Bible Doctrines Explained

I’m so thankful for folks like this who can clear up the doctrine of the Trinity, because apparently I’ve been wrong this whole time.  Nothing says “biblical faithfulness” like bathrobes, 24 inch goatees, and electric...

Balcony People

Back in the day when I was a Student Pastor, I used to have a pocket full of illustrations for students.  You know the ones…the cutesy little gems that you’d whip out whenever times got...

FI Fridays: For Them

FI Fridays: For Them

Every Friday this fall, I’m doing a series titled “First Impressions Fridays.”  These posts are specifically designed for the First Impressions Teams at all of our campuses, but hey, read it anyway.  You might learn...

Leader or Manager?

One of my summer reads was the instant classic Tribes by the always insightful Seth Godin.  I’ve been re-reading it with my team over the last couple of weeks, and it’s been rocking my world....