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Steve Gets It

Steve Gets It

Last week on the big TenneBama vaca, I went to one of the three restaurants in my hometown (And no, I’m not joking…there are three: a Mexican joint, a barbecue joint, and a place with...

Been There, Done That, Now…

Been There, Done That, Now…

…get the t-shirt! As a former student pastor, I am the proud owner of no fewer than 718 t-shirts.  Each one has a proud history, from summer camps to mission trips to annual themes to...

So Logical, It’s Scary

From the mouth of my 12 year old: “Dad, when I grow up I’m going to be an NBA player.” [Thirty seconds later…] “I’ll have to be an NBA player because I’m going to need...

You Can’t Go Home Again

You Can’t Go Home Again

Last week the fam and I spent some time back in our hometowns in Tennessee and Alabama. Both Merriem and I grew up in towns of less than 8,000 people, so going home is a...

But Still, I Love Technology…

But Still, I Love Technology…

In a recent post I was probably a bit too harsh on some of the new social media. But in reality, I am amazed at what our e-mails and Twitters and interwebs will allow us...

Coming Soon To A Campus Near You

Coming Soon To A Campus Near You

As you know by now, this fall we’re adding a 12:30 service and a 10:45 overflow service to the Brier Creek AM Campus. With those additions come a huge need to beef up our First...

Caring Enough To Confront

Caring Enough To Confront

Confrontation has never been one of my strong suits. Merriem loves to tell the stories of our dating and early marriage days when I wouldn’t even speak up if a restaurant got my order wrong…...

Pecking Order

Pecking Order

In case you’ve ever wondered how things shake down in the Franks household, this picture should be worth 1,000 words: Just a few bullets worth of explanation: This was taken at 11:00 PM. No, it...

I’m The Biggest Loser

I’m The Biggest Loser

I feel a little funny writing this post since it’s a bit self-serving and strictly personal (not personal in a “none-of-your-business” way, but personal in a “TMI” way), but since many of you have asked...

In The Heat Of The Night

In The Heat Of The Night

Not too long ago I developed a condition known as “I’m old.”  True, I’m only 35, but I can no longer sprawl out in a chair or bed any old way I want to without...