One in Four
It’s Volunteer Week both on this blog and the Brier Creek AM Campus blog. Want to know more? Come to one of our Frontline events or go here to sign up for a ministry team....
It’s Volunteer Week both on this blog and the Brier Creek AM Campus blog. Want to know more? Come to one of our Frontline events or go here to sign up for a ministry team....
Starting this morning over at the Brier Creek AM Campus blog, I’m running a series of posts that will (hopefully) cause an army of would-be volunteers to rise up from their fuzzy chairs, storm the...
Since this blog’s inception I’ve had a link to Crummy Church Signs in the “You Need to Read” section to the right. It was with a tremendous amount of sadness that I logged on a...
Below is the full text of an e-mail I received earlier this week from one of our Brier Creek AM Campus deacons, and I reprint it with his permission. Gang, this is the whole reason...
I never thought I would be drop kicked and punched in the throat at the same time by Rev. C.J. Mahaney. If you’re not familiar with Mahaney, he’s a pastor in Maryland, a prolific author,...
I tell you, people, sometimes this blog just writes itself. Below is a picture of my receipt from yesterday’s lunch. Imagine my surprise and delight when I got back to the car and looked at...
Just in case you missed it, yesterday saw the close of a huge chapter of the Summit’s history. After feeding thousands of people, setting up hundreds of tables, and repeating the process dozens of months,...
I’ve mentioned here before that I’m a fan of Joseph Michelli’s podcast, The Starbucks Experience (he’s also the author of a best-selling book by the same title). On a recent episode, he talked about the...
Last week on the big TenneBama vaca, I went to one of the three restaurants in my hometown (And no, I’m not joking…there are three: a Mexican joint, a barbecue joint, and a place with...
…get the t-shirt! As a former student pastor, I am the proud owner of no fewer than 718 t-shirts. Each one has a proud history, from summer camps to mission trips to annual themes to...