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What Kind of Church Are You?

What Kind of Church Are You?

On Saturday I participated in what has become an annual Mother’s Day weekend tradition.  I call it, How Can I Take A Relatively Simple Task That Honors My Wife Such As Putting Out Mulch And...

Listen to Your Wife

Listen to Your Wife

Sound the trumpets and break out the confetti, because Audience Participation Week is coming to an end.  As far as I know I’ve risen to the challenge, but hey…it’s still early in the day and...

Professional Christians

Professional Christians

Audience Participation Week rolls on. Today’s submissions came from First Impressions wonder-girl Kiani Arkus. You can see her three words as well as a primer on A.P.W. here.   º º º º º To...

Secondary Issues

Secondary Issues

Audience Participation Week continues, and today’s three words were submitted by resident Summit Bishopess, First Lady Veronica Greear. To figure out which words below she submitted (and find out what APW is all about), check...

Every Day is Sunday Morning

Every Day is Sunday Morning

Today we continue Audience Participation Week.  My independent committee has made their final selection, and they’ve chosen submissions by Doug Garris, Spence Shelton, Veronica Greear, and Kiani Arkus.  Yes, Veronica is our lead pastor’s wife,...



Today kicks off Audience Participation Week, where I pick the topic and you pick three completely unrelated words that I have to work into the topic.  Cheesy?  Yes.  Gimmicky?  Sure.  Challenging?  So far, you betcha....

Evil Picnickers Beware

Evil Picnickers Beware

Let me introduce you to Jase. He’s an army ant. You can tell he’s an army ant because he’s wearing a camouflage shirt a plastic helmet that’s approximately 1/16th of an inch thick and can...

Broken People

I’ve been with a lot of hurting people this week. Failed marriages, derailed relationships, deeply-entrenched sin, broken dreams, disturbing doctor’s reports, addictions that seemingly can’t be kicked. There’s one thing that serves as a common...

Audience Participation

Audience Participation

Okay gang, you’ve been quiet as of late.  Maybe 121 baptisms don’t excite you the way they excite me.  Maybe you don’t think a prayer cross is funny.  Maybe pictures of ducks don’t elicit the...

Stories From The Tank

Stories From The Tank

On Sunday we baptized 121 people at the Summit.  It was a very, very cool day, but days like that always bring questions… Why did you do it that way? Is that even biblical? Seriously?...