Tagged: first impressions

Flashback Friday: What Helps Them?

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! One of our rules of thumb for our First Impressions team is Be...

Why You Need a VHQ

One of our values for our First Impressions team is “Attend One, Serve One.” We want our volunteers to be able to fully engage in worship in one service, then fully engage by serving in...

How Do Outsiders View Your Inside?

It’s pretty easy for us to think about what we think about when we think about the weekend experience at our churches (feel free to re-read that sentence. I won’t be offended.). After all, they’re our experiences....

Hospitality Can’t Take a Vacation

We’re barely ankle deep into the summer season around these parts. The mountains and beaches are calling, and people are responding. (Side note: mountain people? I love you. Let’s hang out more. Beach people? I...

The High Cost of Doing Nothing

Making a change in the way you do ministry can be frightening. Overwhelming. Even paralyzing. There are new budget lines to be reckoned with, new volunteers to recruit, new manuals to be written, and new...

The Cloak of Invisibility

As restaurant experiences go, this one was pretty awful. It was a Sunday afternoon. Five of the six Franks family members were in attendance at a less-than-half-full joint that we’ve been to several times. The...

You Know What To Do, But…

I’m taking a little down time this week, including a brief blogging break. Meanwhile, I’m reaching back into the archives for posts that even I forgot I’d written. (Feel free to insert your own “forgettable”...


I’m taking a little down time this week, including a brief blogging break. Meanwhile, I’m reaching back into the archives for posts that even I forgot I’d written. (Feel free to insert your own “forgettable”...

Flashback Friday: Summoning the Genie

Every Friday I dig into the archives and dust off an old post. If you haven’t read it, it’s new to you! When you’re responsible for overseeing hospitality at a church, it’s only a matter...

The Customer Isn’t Always Right

Last week I overheard a brief exchange between a fast-food employee and a customer. I missed the context, so there could be some rampant misinterpretation here (but in fairness, if you look up “blogger” in...