Category: Guest Services

4 Alternatives To The “Turn-And-Greet” Time

In a recent post I set off a firestorm about the dreaded “turn-and-greet-your-neighbor” time that we unleash on introverts, germaphobes, and outsiders. The truth is, there are valid opinions on both sides of the aisle...

7 Reasons Not To “Turn And Greet Your Neighbor”

There are a lot of church worship traditions that I don’t particularly love: responsive readings (I tend to speed-read and then get tired of waiting around because #efficiency). When a pastor makes you “Look at...

Visible vs. Invisible

In guest services, there is a fine line between being visible and staying invisible. As a guest services volunteer, it’s not always easy to know how to strike that balance. But as a guest, whenever...

The Gift of Time

Do Sunday mornings stress you? Does it seem like there’s always a last-minute runaround in order to be ready to welcome guests? Are you constantly worried about your team’s ability to get everything set up...

Are You Prepared?

As I type, we are smack in the middle of hurricane preparations. If you’re not enrolled in the Jim Cantore School of Freak Out, you may not know that Florence is on her way to...

Don’t Mishandle The Handoff

Sunday morning: you’ve navigated a half a hundred conversations anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes long. You’ve fielded questions, given counsel, and suggested next steps. And somewhere in the middle was a question...

How To Run A Lost And Found

Welcome to the How To series here on the blog, where I occasionally tackle mind-numbingly boring topics that make the hidden nerds among us geek out. The rest of you that don’t care about these things,...

The Heart of Hospitality

Last week we said goodbye to my 88 year-old uncle. Horace was an icon in our family. He was a Methodist pastor for almost 60 years, the Commissioner of Tennessee’s Department of Human Services and...

Flex Your Formula

As many of you know, I live in a household that is 66% Chick-fil-A employees. Four out of six people is actually 66.6%, but that seems too much like the Mark of the Beast, and...

The Fastest Way to Change Your Guest Services Culture

You don’t need to lay out a five year plan. You don’t need to bring in an outside consultant. You don’t need to invest in expensive training, read a mountain of books, or hire a...