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Call Me Crazy, But…

Call Me Crazy, But…

…are we about to make Debra Barone our next Vice President?

Gustav and Hanna and Ike, Oh My!

Gustav and Hanna and Ike, Oh My!

I spent a small portion of my Labor Day sitting on the couch, eating a bowl of my wife’s healthy cereal, and watching CNN’s breaking coverage of Hurricane Gustav.  It was a great diversion to...

Exceed the Expectation (part two)

[Catch up on Part 1] There’s a room in our office complex that has a perpetual supply of week-old Bojangles biscuits and sometimes smells like clam chowder.  We affectionately refer to that room as the...

Exceed the Expectation (part one)

A couple of weeks ago my family and I met a great guy while we were out celebrating my wife’s birthday.  As our conversation progressed, the topic of “what do you do” came up.  I...

Frontline Recap

Frontline Recap

One of my mentors is fond of telling me that my desire for perfection always leads to procrastination.  Put another way, I want everything to fall into place before the big reveal.  That’s definitely been...

It’s Here!

Straight up: you should be here tonight and tomorrow.  As a staff, we’ve laughed ourselves silly getting ready for this thing (there’s gonna be humor), and then we’ve sat in amazement as we’ve realized what...

Just Take a Step

Just Take a Step

We’re just a couple of days away from the behemoth Frontline weekend.  If you are a part of the Summit and are not planning to be there, I have an assignment for you: stop reading...

My Life in Pictures

My Life in Pictures

This was my view this time last week. Nothing but my ten hideous toes and the vast expanse of my in-laws’ pool. This is my view this morning.  A few hundred info cards from Sunday’s...

Square Pegs and Round Holes

Life is too short to do something you’re not wired to do. I learned this my first semester in seminary.  When you’re in seminary, you have to get something called a Seminary Job.  (Some losers...

Dance With the One Who Brung Ya

There’s a word that’s dirty and glorious all at the same time when it’s spoken in the local church: consumerism.  It’s a dirty word because as God Fearing Christians, we don’t want to be labeled...

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