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Get Face-to-Face with Your Frustrations

In work and in life, we are going to have to deal with stuff that frustrates us. More accurately, we’ll have to deal with people who frustrate us. Maybe it’s their work style, or their...

Who Should Follow Up With First-Time Guests?

We’re building a series based on the first-time guest follow up process. (You can see the first four parts here, here, here, and here.) Today…who actually follows up with your first-time guests? Is it a team? A person?...

“People Are the Mission” Now On Audiobook!

The audio version of People Are the Mission dropped last week, and you can get it right now on Amazon, Libro, and wherever fine audiobooks are sold. Downloaded. Whatever. Also, if you’re not a current...

2022 Summer Reading List: Mine

Earlier this week I offered up ten books that I think you should read this summer (Have you ordered ’em yet? You haven’t, have you?). Today, in the interest of full disclosure (and wanting to...

2022 Summer Reading List: Yours

It’s that time again, campers: the late-springtime when nerds get giddy with excitement over everyone’s recommended beach reading lists. I have ten for you, picked out of what I’ve read over the last year. These...

Multi-Site: How to Build Church Culture Across Campuses

In multi-site church world, it’s scarily easy to expand because of the identity of the mothership, and then lose that identity as more campuses are launched. In other words: the excitement and growth that led...

Announcing the 2022 One-Day Workshops

In the last six years we’ve taken hundreds of people through our One-Day Workshops: a day-long deep dive on on particular topic. They’re coming back this fall, with an added brand-new topic! You’ll get on-the-nose...

Top Ten Quotes: The Coaching Habit

Occasionally I’ll skim a book that was recommended to me, only to realize post-skim just how valuable the book was, and the need to go back for a deeper dive. Such was the case with...

How to Serve a Stealthy Guest

All of us in hospitalityland have faced the problem of the stealthy guest: the person who wants to lay low, fly under the radar, and do everything possible to keep from being known. But as...

Notes from a First-Time Pops

One week ago today, Merriem and I became grandparents. The call came shortly before midnight on Monday: Alyssa and Austin were heading to the hospital. Lil’ Bean – the nickname given to our yet-to-be-born grandchild...