Latest posts

Top Ten Quotes: Leadership as an Identity

Our staff team recently read through Leadership as an Identity: The Four Traits of Those Who Wield Lasting Influence by Crawford Loritts, Jr. The book came highly recommended by a friend, so I was excited...

Applications From Appliances

The last few weeks have been…interesting…around the Franks household, to say the least. If it can be plugged in, cranked up, or taken apart, it’s probably broken at the least opportune time. I’m talking, of...

The Living Stone Church (Broomfield, Colorado)

Each month, we revisit a series of posts called Guest Services Road Trip. We’ll travel the country from the comforts of our couches, interviewing leaders who are in the trenches of ministry. Do you have an idea for GSRT...

Primer Posts

Outer Entry Basics

You just landed on an every-once-in-a-while series called Primer Posts, a curated collection of my favorite articles and books on one particular topic. These are the resources I usually point to when people ask about getting started...

Seven Tips to Slay Your Inbox

I have long been a believer in Inbox Zero. It’s by no means a daily occurrence, but it’s a habit I try to keep as often as I can (normally I get there 4 out...

Easter is Over. Now What?

The Christian church just wrapped up one of the busiest weekends of our year. Community outreaches and egg hunts and extra services and cantatas and new volunteers and sunrise services and special sermons and stage...

Multi-Site: Preparing for Your Next Campus Exodus

If there’s one thing that multi-site churches hold in common, it’s that we sign up for heartbreak. Think about it: we are intentionally creating space for some of our best leaders to leave. We are...

Give ‘Em an Out

When the church gathers, it’s assumed that the majority of those gathered will be…well…the church: redeemed saints who worship Jesus, encourage one another, and look to the cross. But even if saints are the majority,...

Top Ten Quotes: The Cross of Christ

Confession time: I didn’t actually read all of my assigned seminary textbooks. (Gasp.) It’s sad, but it’s true of this lazy academian. Academan. Student. One of those books that was assigned-but-went-unread was The Cross of...

Easter Isn’t Your Super Bowl

At the time this post goes live, we’re a dozen days away from observing the cornerstone of the Christian faith. The church calendar hinges on the death and resurrection of Jesus. Christmas celebrates the beautiful...