Author: Danny

Q&A: How Can I Get My Vols to Engage?

Q: How would you suggest we equip our volunteers to engage the disengaged on Sunday mornings (new guests, people sitting by themselves, etc.)? How can it come across as genuine and not just because they...

Top Ten Quotes: The Culture Solution

Matthew Kelly’s The Culture Solution: A Practical Guide to Building a Dynamic Culture delivers on the title. It’s imminently practical, and the steps he lays out really will lead to a culture that lives and...

A Sneak Preview of One-Day Workshop: Guest Services 2.0

Our team just wrapped up the content for our upcoming brand new One-Day Workshop topic, and I want to give you a sneak preview. But first, some context: back in 2016, we debuted a couple...

The Easy Way Out

Not too long ago, I was on my way to the grocery store when I came up on a line of cars and a road crew. Apparently a large-ish tree had fallen across two lanes...

“Aim at Your Guests and You’ll Hit the Congregation Every Time.”

“Aim at your guests and you’ll hit the congregation every time.” It was likely a throwaway line by Daniel Simmons, one of our pastors, in a recent meeting. But that line has been lodged in...

Broad Expectations vs. Narrow Conversations

From time to time (and by time to time I mean maybe 42 individual instances before this day is out), you’re going to run across team behavior that you’re not necessarily a fan of: a...

6 Reasons You Should Keep a Master Purchase List

If you’re in any leadership role, you’re eventually going to be handed a budget or a credit card or a checkbook (kids: ask your parents) and told to go on a shopping spree. Whether it’s...

Deliver Plus One

Ken Blanchard’s Raving Fans is a must-read for anyone who serves the public, anyone who interacts with the public, or anyone who is the public. (Did I leave anyone out? No? Great.) I could spend several posts...

Danny Recommends: P-Touch Cube Label Maker

Every so often we dip our toes into a series called Danny Recommends:, posts that tip you off to the stuff that I…you know. The recommendations might be products for use in your ministry, resources that will...

Who’s Driving?

I am the veteran of three teenage drivers, and – at the time of this writing – just four short years from the fourth. State Farm has happily taken dump trucks full of my money...