Category: Leadership

“We’ve Never Done It That Way Before.”

If you haven’t heard it yet, you will. Leaders face the tension of protecting the core values of the organization while progressing in new areas of innovation. And sometimes that progression can trigger the “We’ve...


I’m not ashamed to say it: I’m not the biggest fan of the beach. Yes, yes, I know we’re entering vacation season and I live in a state that is attached to a beach and I’m married to...

Ten Questions You Should Ask (And Answer) This Summer

The downtime of summer is a great time for reflection. I’m not talking about that weird aluminum foil thing you use to catch the sun’s rays on the beach and tan under your chin(s). Nope,...

Announcing the 2017 One-Day Workshops

In just three months, we’re bringing back our One-Day Workshops. During last year’s debut, nearly 100 leaders from 40+ churches took part in these practical training events. The response was beyond what we could have...

What Are Your Rules for Ministry?

Recently I came across an article regarding Chuck Jones “rules for Wile E. Coyote.” Though my wife and I disagree on the animated genius that is the Road Runner vs. Coyote, the reality is that...

Is Your Church a Landmark or a Lighthouse?

Not long ago I was having coffee with a pastor friend who mentioned that in his church, not one single member lived within a fifteen minute drive of the building. Think about that: not one...

My Life As A Fry Cook

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve had the way cool opportunity to volunteer at the ballpark where my kids play.  The concession stand lady has been on vaca, so I’ve subbed a few nights...

When “Yes” Leads To “No”

In a church our size, there are plenty of opportunities to do plenty of things.  Big things.  Small things.  Expensive things.  Free things.  Hard things.  Easy things.  Things, things, and more things… “Would you partner...

Leader or Manager?

One of my summer reads was the instant classic Tribes by the always insightful Seth Godin.  I’ve been re-reading it with my team over the last couple of weeks, and it’s been rocking my world....

Investing Yourself

Investing Yourself

Monday night I caught up with a friend of mine from back in Tennessee.  I’ve known Zach since he was a wee lad (he’s several years younger than me).  When I was in high school...